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Companies at Risk


Employees at Risk


Dead Company


Immediated Distress


A few week servive


Dead Company

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Total Employees
Who are you?
What type of company?
Does the company have external investors?
Have employees already been fired?
How long do you think you have left to survive?
How much capital do you need to survive?
How much revenue does the company have?

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Add Sick Company

Do you have or know a business that needs a lifeline? Add some details here to list and connect this business with those looking to help.

Who are you?
What type of company?
Does the company have external investors?
Have employees already been fired?
How long do you think you have left to survive?
How much capital do you need to survive?
How much revenue does the company have?
(We will never disclose your email, interested parties fill in a form that is emailed to you)


The world is transforming around us at a monumental rate, caught up in this change are millions of organizations employing tens of millions of people whose lives could be devastated by the economic turmoil caused by the virus.


We wanted to do something to help, so a small dedicated team created Sick Company as a 'not for profit' while this emergency is ongoing to bring together distressed companies with the capital to save them. Whether you are a mum or pop shop or a billion dollar technology company, Sick Company is the place to come to try and save your company as well as get the inside information on what impact it will have for you.


Having lost everything ourselves a few times, we understand the extreme distress you are probably going through, whether you are an entrepreneur feeling the walls closing in around you or an employee who does not know if they have a job tomorrow; there is light at the end of the tunnel, this too shall pass and we hope SickCompany allows you to have the future you deserve.


